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After the floods (that affected us on weekend of 14th and 15th September 2024),
we are already machining and quickly progressing towards a standard full-scale production
that will start on Monday 30th September at the latest!

Po povodních (které nás postihly o víkendu 14. a 15. září 2024) již obrábíme a rychle
postupujeme směrem ke standardní výrobě, kterou zahájíme nejpozději v pondělí 30. září!

Děkujeme za obrovské nasazení našim kolegům a firmám
PROTECO nářadí, JANUŠKA KOMPRESORY, Petr Herudek, ReSpol, Jungheinrich, Pila REXIS, Pila Vlček a HANÁK NÁŘADÍ
za rychlé dodávky nutné pro obnovení provozu!

We cast, machine and supply aluminium castings for different industries

How we work

We will take you through the entire production process, from designing a computer 3D model to the final machined aluminium casting and shipping it directly to you. We are not afraid to mass-produce or even do piecework, with UNEKO standing behind the quality of our products.

Production quality checked at every step in the process. Products supplied, including all required documents. Work done according to an agreed upon system (KANBAN, call off, framework contract...) We will pack and deliver the parts directly to your warehouse.
About the company

About the company

  • UNEKO is a genuine Czech aluminium foundry
    with a tradition
  • We have produced and supplied aluminium castings
    since 1991
  • We annually cast 250 tonnes of castings into sand moulds
  • We machine aluminium castings at in-house
    machining shop

everything about us

Where to find us

UNEKO spol. s r. o.
Loučky 333
793 16 Zátor
Czech Republic IČ: 189 53 565